Brian Eno is to release a new album on Warp Records.

Warp – the Sheffield-founded, London-based label that has provided a home over the years for artists as diverse as Aphex Twin, Grizzly Bear and Forgemasters – yesterday sent out an e-mail teaser bearing the words BRIAN ENO COMING SOON ON WARP RECORDS, and inviting fans to sign up to a mailing list in order to be kept up to date.

Since then, PlayGround has reported that Eno’s Warp project is an album-length work made with Jon Hopkins and Leo Abrahams, members of his recently formed live troupe Pure Scenius (along with The Necks and Underworld’s Karl Hyde). Abrahams is a guitarist, while Hopkins is both an electronica artist in his own right and a studio noggin for hire, notably having co-produced Coldplay’s last album with Eno.

Abrahams wrote the following in a blog post that looks to have since been edited, presumably so as not to compromise the intended drama of slow-drip disclosure.

“[…] There’s an album out soon by Brian Eno, with myself and Jon Hopkins. It will be on Warp. It contains the fruits of several years of jams between the three of us. I’ve not heard anything quite like it — it sounds ‘live’ and ‘alien’ at the same time. Some things have been permitted to survive, which only Brian would have had the courage to let go, and it’s so much the better for it.”



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