What with with Jeremih’s Late Nights With Jeremih and Dawn Richards’ Armor On, it’s been a good year for the exploratory R&B album.

Chief on the list of this year’s most valuable players is crooner Miguel, who impressed with the piecemeal Art Dealer Chic series. He followed up with a series of elemental preview EPs and, as of this week, new album Kaleidoscope Dream. Latest in the line of gifts from the singer is a new video for album cut ‘The Thrill’.

The clip is a similar monochromic vein to the ‘Do You’ clip, and documents the fun going down at his girlfriend’s birthday party. The video is, in his words, “a wild montage of my favorite moments within a single day of celebration. Real memories created amongst real friends and real family.” [via Rolling Stone]

Kaleidoscope Dream is available to stream here



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