A David Bowie demo recorded during his first trip to the United States has surfaced online.

The spaced out ‘To Be Love’ was recorded in the fall of 1970 at Roxbury Road Studios in the Hollywood Hills, as sound engineer Ron de Strulle explained to Huffington Post.

“My first impression of David was that he was warm, open, friendly, and not looking for star treatment like most of the other artists who came to RR Studios,” said De Strulle. “He was interested in the production process and excited about anything creative.

“He was blown away by the studio and very interested in how to get each sound. He loved John Lennon’s vocal effects and George Martin’s way of working with bands of sounds with different frequencies.

“He couldn’t get over the way we could produce loop delays and reverberation plays. David could pick up an instrument and play anything. He would say ‘I never played this instrument before,’ and then he would cut loose and play. Pure genius.”

‘To Be Love’ was the first song recorded by Bowie during his two-week trip.

As the rights holder, De Strulle has now made the song available to hear via MindBodyNetwork.



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