Against The Clock is a series where we give an artist 10 minutes in the studio and see what they come up with. 

On this episode, we visit the studio of Gooooose, a key member of Shanghai’s boundary-pushing SVBKVLT crew whose 2019 album Rusted Silicon made for one of the year’s most innovative club LPs.

Gooooose isn’t just a talented producer, he’s also proficient in Max/MSP – for his 10 minutes in the studio he reached for a non-linear sequencer plugin called 16 Notes he programmed himself in Max For Live.

16 Notes is used to create patterns of different lengths and create subtle variations in timbre, velocity and time, “in order to create a more sophisticated shape, or a consistent sonic illusion”. You can buy it from Gooooose and AYRTBH’s own plugin store, Sequencer Electronics.

Listen to the finished track below.

Gooooose is currently finishing off a collaborative album with DJ Scotch Egg, which will be released on SVBKVLT soon. You can find the rest of Gooooose’s music at Bandcamp.

Filmed by Kynan Puru Watt

Watch next: Yehaiyahan – Against The Clock



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