Nottingham’s Lone steps up this morning for a FACT mix of fractured hip-hop, pop, funk and more, glowing in sunlight and bleeding colour from every pore.
Lone first came to our attention with last year’s Lemurian album, and his work on Werk Discs last year – both the ‘Joy Reel’ 12” and the full length album that followed it are highly recommended – saw Matt Cutler get even better. With antique arcade games, vintage hip-hop and 80s grooves as its backdrop, said album for Werk, Ecstasy and Friends is a record steeped in childhood nostalgia that recalls Flying Lotus, Dam-Funk, Boards of Canada and more but could only have been made by Lone.
A full interview with Lone will be on FACT’s pages within the fortnight, ‘til then download his FACT mix. Awesomely mixed with material from Ghostface Killah, Mike Slott, Bibio, Prince and Lone himself, it’s pretty special.
(Available for three weeks)
Kona Triangle – Mauna Loa
Ghostface Killah – Clipse of Doom
Samiyam – Cheesecake Backslap
Bibio – Lovers Carvings (Letherette Mix)
Mike Slott – SunTan
Black Dog Productions – Caz
Prophet – You Really Turn Me On
Prince – Erotic City
Lone – Once in a While
Sweet Exorcist – Track Jack
Lone – Taking off and Landing
Ceephax Acid Crew – Space Paranoia
Clark – Cremation Drones