FACT mix 273 is the work of The Haxan Cloak.
Bobby Krlic came virtually out of nowhere to release his self-titled debut LP, easily one of the best albums of 2011 so far. Drawing on his training in classical composition and command of bowed string instruments, but also his enduring love of noise, avant-metal, power electronics and industrial music, the young Londoner has crafted a hugely absorbing work, one that has justly earned comparisons with artists like Sunn O)), KTL, Raime, Prurient and Godspeed You Black Emperor, and is perhaps even superior in terms of acoustic depth and textural sophistication.
His brutal, bruising FACT mix nicely reflects his catholic but aesthetically unified tastes – the spiky modern classical of Penderecki and pure sound experiments of Alvin Lucier sit comfortably alongside the raucous metal of Sadistic Intent, the corrosive noise of Wolf Eyes and The Locust, the queasy SM techno of Mika Vainio and Thomas Bangalter. With a number of special Haxan Cloak edits of tracks by The Locust, Fennesz, Emeralds, Church of Synth and Liars at its core, FACT mix 273 a beautifully crafted descent into hell – listen with due caution.
The Haxan Cloak is out now on Aurora Borealis, as is the equally excellent and more rhythm-driven Observatory EP. Read our interview with Bobby here.
1. The Locust – Moth-Eaten Deer Head (Haxan Cloak edit)
2. Ed Lawes – Actually Real
3. Health – Severin
4. Mika Vanio – Roma A.D. 2727
5. GNOD – Unreleased Track
6. Church of Synth – Der Fall von Leviathan (Haxan Cloak remix)
7. Prurient – Custer Claims HIs Arrow
8. Alvin Lucier – I Am Sitting In A Room
9. Emeralds – Candy Shoppe (Haxan Cloak edit)
10. Greg Kowlasky – Invocation
11. Aaron Dilloway – Lucifer Rising
12. Thomas Bangalter – Rectum
13. Liars – Drum and the Uncomfortable Can (Haxan Cloak edit)
14. Sunn O))) and Boris – N.L.T.
15. Krzysztof Penderecki – Polymorphia
16. Sadistic Intent – Conflict Within
17. Fennesz – Traxdata (Haxan Cloak edit)
18 Wolf Eyes – Stabbed in the face
19 The Haxan Cloak – Burning Torches of Despair