The woozy cloud-rap sound, once the preserve of web-savvy young pups, has started to waft onto the road. 

Wistful, ethereal beats have typically been employed for introspective purposes: see A$AP Mob’s daydream fantasies, or Main Attrakionz’ little-boy-lost introspection. Inevitably, more and more conventional street rappers are now using softer sounds for tough purposes. Last year saw 100s drop the chilly Ice Cold Perm, and now we’ve got this absolute stormer from Harlem newcomer MUMMZ.

‘Opening Knell’ has been floating about for about a fortnight, but it’s proved hard to shake. MICRONDIAMOND’s beat sounds like it could have been lifted from Andy Stott’s serene Luxury Problems. MUMMZ’ voice – a slow, deliberate baritone, liable to slip into a ragga growl – brings our very own Hollowman to mind. The video is above; what with all the sword-wielding and talk of “oracles and she-devils”, GIGGZ comes over like a gruffer Lost Children Of Babylon. Thanks to Spin for this one.




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