Features I by I 29.10.14

My Favourite Record: DJ Rolando


My Favourite Record is a new feature where we ask musicians we rate from across the spectrum to pick their most cherished album – a development of our occasional On Record feature, and a chance to take a peek at the albums that maketh the artist. Today’s entry:

(Atlantic, 1985)

Picked by: Detroit techno warrior DJ Rolando.

ronaldo fav record1

“I first discovered Jean-Luc Ponty on radio by chance, circa ’85/’86, a time when techno was new and there was every variety of new music to be heard on the radio. I was caught up in a time of discovery and was open to new things.

“The first track I heard from the album was ‘Plastic Idols’ . It was experimental, overlapping and crossing over everything that captured my imagination – electronic music, techno, jazz. Once I’d heard ‘Plastic Idols’ I was sold.

“By ’98/’99 I was fully pledged to JLP. I had seven of his albums on CD and throughout what is probably seen as a peak time in Detroit techno this was my go to music. Driving in Detroit this was with me; travelling, this was with me. It’s the music I listen to when I switch off, complete relaxation.

‘In The Kingdom of Peace’ apparently has parallels to Blade Runner, but I’m possibly the last person of my generation not to see or hear Blade Runner. I can’t express what it is that hits the note here with me, it just does. It’s like the best comfort food expertly prepared, just sheer contentment. This is my musical companion – it’s not emblematic of the Detroit scene but you’d be surprised how many of us are heavily influenced – you only have to listen to Mike Banks’ ‘Journey of the Dragons’ to hear it.

“I don’t know why, but there is definitely a Detroit connection with this artist, this album. It’s a point of comradeship between a number of us – almost an “in the know” type of thing.”

Rolando will play secretsundaze’s Halloween party this week, along with Funkineven and more. For tickets and more information, head here.



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