A first glimpse of the duo’s live AV show, combining real footage, CGI footage and real time responsive lighting effects.
Paraadiso is the new audiovisual collaborative project from producer Guglielmo Barzacchini, better known as TSVI, and visual artist and producer Matteo Zamagni, AKA Seven Orbits. Drawing inspiration from Italian folk music, noise, ancient choral acoustic compositions, rituals and their functions, their debut album, Unison, seeks to channel the communal energy of ancient public gatherings, instances where “the collective physical experience meant heightened stimulation at both the individual level and collective level.” According to the duo, “contrary to individual experience, collective experience is necessarily rooted in (shared) patterns of action and behavior; it has been studied that the sense of a joint consciousness emerges from such patterns of action and a sense of ‘relatedness’ is developed between members of the group; relatedness is a form of shared identity, which in turn can transform intragroup social relations and future re-action.”

“Experiences of synchrony and collective emotion induce in individuals a shift between two parallel cognitive ‘modes’ from the individual to the communal, generating feelings of openness, inclusion, and prosociality and sometimes even dissolution of the self-other distinction.” The first glimpse of Paraadiso’s live AV show, set to the blown-out noise and sci-fi sound design of the album’s opener, ‘Unisono’, is designed as such an experience, a head-spinning barrage of sound and image dragging the viewer through a stroboscopic drone trip across beautiful natural vistas, CGI environments and over the wet rock of the earth’s surface. “The proximity of the viewpoint changes throughout the video,” explains Zamagni. “It gets closer and closer to earth’s surface revealing a relationship between the various physical natural structures that occurs on GAIA.”

“All human life and all human interaction are profoundly social: our everyday lives do not take place in isolation but constantly require our engagement with other people,” the duo continue. “We unknowingly sought these qualities emerging during the creation of the work as isolation and disconnection raised dramatically over the past two years and have created a piece in response to that which aims to be performed and experienced in a live context as an audiovisual experience.”
‘Unisono’ is taken from the album Unison, which arrives on July 30, via SVBKVLT. For more information about Paraadiso you can follow them on Instagram.
Unisono Credits:
Created by Matteo Zamagni
Camera Assistant – Marta Janota
Drone Operator – Marc Winklehofer
Drone Operator – Francesco Ferlito
Music – Paraadiso
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