We can feel the burn from here.

In the latest installment of First We Feast’s series Hot Ones, Danny Brown reflects on getting older, new friendships and clashing with 50 Cent over jean-styles — but you won’t be focused on what he’s saying.

In fact, Danny isn’t either because Hot Ones is a show where guests are interviewed while consuming/surviving incredibly spicy chicken wings. The rapper admits early on that he’s “terrible” with spicy food and it’s not long before he’s sweating, gasping and gulping water (bad idea) and milk (good idea).

Still, Brown is a great sport and the fun of the video is watching him deliver an excellent interview through all the pain. At the end of the capsaicin gauntlet, he even agrees to the show’s tradition of eating his last wing with Blair’s Mega Death Sauce (with Liquid Rage). His reaction?

“I think I’m gonna orgasm!” he says surprised, before diving into a passionate declaration of love for his pet cats.

To see Brown in another terrible situations revisit the ‘Pneumonia’ video below.



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