The video flows from the song’s rhetorical underpinnings.

Fatima Al Qadiri’s Fade to Mind debut, The Desert Strike EP, explores the themes of desensitization through real and virtual experiences, through the prism of her experiences growing up in Kuwait during the Gulf War (and playing a video game that depicted the horrors she had just lived through).

The video for ‘Ghost Raid’, directed by Thunder Horse Video‘s Alex Gvojic, further explores those themes by blending real war footage, video games, and original computer animation. Commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Gvojic’s film also draws on Islamic Djinn myths, portraying the unseen entities as “ghostly machines crafting conflict, much like a child outfitting a soldier in a video game.”

FACT spoke with Al Qadiri about the genesis of the EP last year. She recently contributed a pick to our “ones to watch in 2013” feature.



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