Ariel Pink to compose music for psychedelic werewolf film <em>Bad Vibes</em>

The pop contortionist makes his first foray into the world of film.

Bad Vibes is a “werewolf tale set in the psychedelic ’60’s music scene,” written and directed by Dave Gebroe (Zombie Honeymoon). The film is being produced by SpectreVision — partners Elijah Wood, Daniel Noah and Josh C. Waller — with Hollywood legend John Landis acting as executive producer.

Ariel Pink will compose original music for the film. “The script totally blew me away with its horrifying revisionist take on the Sixties,” he says in a statement. “It’s like a bizarro-world chronology of free love, dark psychedelic music and permissiveness gone hog-wild. My fans will get to hear a side of Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti that no one’s ever heard before, and that couldn’t be more inspiring to me creatively.”

The film is still casting, and while a release date has not been set, the retro-styled poster is below. Ariel Pink is also set to create new compositions as part of Doug Aitken’s Station to Station art happening, using the project’s train as a temporary home/recording studio.



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