Warp Records regular Clark will release a new EP, Fantasm Planes in September.
Clark’s second release of the year, following album Iradelphic, he describes it thus: “Ian Brown has always loved the sound of trumpets. I’ve occasionally liked the sound of flutes. And bass. Analogue bass and psychedelic melodies to trip out to on the dance floor. No hippy s**t though. This e.p is more about conjuring the full mind-distortion that you get when you hear this music on loud sound systems, that’s sort of what Fantasm Planes is about.
“Refocusing the album into the context of metric rave gear, but with those full, saturated textures of Iradelphic still playing a vital part.”
In the label’s less cryptic words, it’s designed as a counterpart to Iradelphic, and includes three reworks of album tracks and three new compositions. Warp will release Fantasm Planes on September 3. You can stream a track from it below, and if you like what you hear, check out Clark at Soundcrash’s Scala blow-out on September 8. Support comes from Letherette and the inimitable Kuedo. For more information on that, click here.
1. Fantasm Planes
2. Henderson Swooping
3. Com Re-Touch / Pocket for Jack
4. Brigitte
5. Secret Slow Show
6. Dove In Flames