Watch a short documentary about the Los Angeles beat scene, featuring Daedelus and Co.feeWatch a short documentary about the Los Angeles beat scene, featuring Daedelus and Co.fee

Swot up on the land of Brainfeeder and Low End Theory in a 10-minute documentary. 

The Not A Beat, Not A Scene mini-doc includes contributions from an assortment of better (and lesser) known artists operating at the heart of L.A.’s beat scene. The star is dapper elder statesman Daedelus, who natters intelligently about the scene’s tentative first steps. Co. Fee, Free The Robots, Juj and Sir Froderick are among the other contributors. Discussions encompass the explosion of Low End Theory, L.A.’s status as the epicentre of psychedelic beats, and the “lackadaisical stoner aspect” of the city.

Click below to watch.



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