Ketamine study shows young users developing severe liver damage

Fresh research has shone new light on the impact of long-term ketamine use. 

A recently published study, conducted at the Chinese University in Hong Kong over two years, looked at a sample of 305 regular ketamine users aged between 16-29. The users in question had consumed a median dosage of 14g of ketamine per week over a period of six years – and the findings are far from pleasant.

According to the report, almost all the users in question had severely reduced bladders, leading to “irreversible damage” in just about every participant. 43% of users also had abnormal liver function, with two users developing liver fibrosis – something the South China Morning Post describes as a product of “livers resembling those of 60-year old alcoholics”.

According to liver expert Prog Grace Wong Lai-hung, such damage could be expected to have long-term effects. “If it goes untreated, say for three to five years, it may have developed into liver cancer by the time symptoms emerge and a transplant may be required.” Just Say Neigh, indeed.

For those interested in clubland’s relationship with drug use, Alex Macpherson’s percipient 2012 thinkpiece is available to read here.

[via Mixmag]



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