SETH’s new release is the next piece of the puzzle in what could be Jamie Krasner’s best year yet.

The first time many people ever heard James K (aka Jamie Krasner) was her soaring vocal performance for Physical Therapy’s ‘Drone On‘. Since then she has twisted her voice through a whole spectrum of fascinating projects on her own and with carefully chosen collaborators. SETH, her sample-happy project with Gobby, has always been one of the most exciting and strange so it’s fitting that their newest release is on 1080p — a label that has made it’s name celebrating the strange and exciting (they tend to go hand in hand).

The mini album This is True (Sunseth) manages to cover an enormous amount of ground in just over 20 minutes. Though each track explores extremely varying sounds — from the cosmic flourish of opener ‘WOLFIE’ to the restrained ‘METH FACE (I Can’t Wait)’ — they’re all tied together by Krasner’s acrobatic voice. Before you get too locked into how lovely everything sounds the pair send a swampy curveball with the closing ’13th Street Translyvania’, a bluesy stomper seasoned with harsh noise. It’s the sort of bizarro closing statement that makes spending time with SETH so enjoyable and waiting for Krasner’s in-the-works solo album so much harder.

Listen to This Is True (Sunseth) below and pick it up via 1080p.



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