IKEA isn’t just for record storage anymore.

We’ve already learned how to build a DJ booth out of parts from the Swedish furniture giant. The latest IKEA hack demonstrates how you can make a Eurorack modular synth case from the company’s Enudden toilet roll holders.

The modular synth case hack uses three of the toilet paper holders, turned on their side and held in place with a few metal cross bars. Power Rail Kits from Doepfer were also added.

You can check out a full write-up of the synth case hack over at IKEA Hacks and see some photos below. [via Synthtopia]

Make a modular synth case from a toilet roll holder with this IKEA hack Make a modular synth case from a toilet roll holder with this IKEA hackMake a modular synth case from a toilet roll holder with this IKEA hack



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