The quadruple cassette release is out today through Hospital productions.

Hospital Productions has started 2016 with a very special release for noise heads. Various Auras: A Bird’s-Eye View Into A Machiavellian World of Secrecy is a massive cassette release that compiles four (FOUR!) new albums from five of the genre’s best artists.

First up is Alessandro Cortini, who released his album Risveglio on Hospital last year (and delivered an impressive FACT mix to boot). Next, is the great guitar mangler Kevin Drumm with a new album-length piece titled ‘Middle Of Nothing’ that promises to return to the tone of his album Imperial Distortion (which we once called “a modern masterpiece”).

Third up is Lussuria’s Indigo Window Along Those Steps, a collection of shimmering synth pieces described as the most “optimistic” music in the set. That’s probably a good thing, because the final cassette is a full-on collaboration between Regis and Prurient (aka Hospital boss Dominick Fernow), two musicians who know there way around theme of dread and destruction better than most.

Various Auras is out right now through Hospital and can be ordered via Boomkat. Revisit our review of Prurient’s brilliant latest album, Frozen Niagara Falls.



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