“Music is about embracing and respecting other cultures … which feels at odds with Brexit”.
Universal Music UK Chairman David Joseph and Beggars Group boss Martin Mills have joined to urge their employees and fellow music industry members to vote “Remain” in the European Union referendum this Thursday, Music Business Worldwide reports.
Professionally, Joseph and Mills are as opposed as possible, but they agree here that while “no one thinks the EU is perfect … when your family is imperfect, you don’t abandon it – you stay with it, and seek to make it better”.
“This may be your last Tuesday morning in Europe,” opens a joint letter where the two agree exiting the EU “would be economically, politically, socially and culturally disastrous – for all of us”.
Every vote will count too, as current polls have Britain’s future in the European Union completely on the fence. Read the full statement below.
“Good morning. This may be your last Tuesday morning in Europe.
Forgive the simplistic statement – the important message is that the opinion polls now indicate that Thursday’s vote could take us on a one-way road OUT of Europe.
First and foremost we are writing to urge you to vote on Thursday, but also to consider all of the issues carefully. We believe a victory for Brexit would be economically, politically, socially and culturally disastrous – for all of us.
Many of you will be travelling to Glastonbury on Thursday, the day of the vote. To us, Glastonbury embodies the inclusiveness that a Brexit vote seeks to reject.
No-one thinks the EU is perfect. It’s undeniably flawed. But when your family is imperfect, you don’t abandon it – you stay with it, and seek to make it better. That’s what we need to do here.
We’re not going to rehearse the arguments. They’re in all the media. This is what The Economist says.
Those economic arguments make even more sense for the creative industries. But this isn’t just about business. Music is all about collaboration, embracing and respecting other cultures. A collective mindset which we want to preserve, and one which feels at odds with Brexit, a campaign born of populism and the instinct to pull up the drawbridge.
We wanted to share how we felt ahead of Thursday’s vote, and what we strongly believe is in the best interests of our companies and artists.
We know not everyone shares our views. All we ask is that you have your say in a referendum which is of fundamental importance to all our futures, and undoubtedly too close to call.”