Gallic techno veteran Laurent Garnier is awarded France’s highest honor.

There are few DJs or producers with the experience and prestige of Laurent Garnier, and now the French government have paid tribute to the techno legend with their highest award: the Legion Of Honor.

Writing about the award on Facebook, Garnier said: “I am deeply touched to receive the France’s highest decoration for having served and defended music which, originally, underwent so many prejudices and caused so much misunderstanding. For me, this is not only recognition of a 30 year musical career, but also for a collective history.”

Garnier cut his teeth while he was living in Manchester in the late ‘80s and frequenting the legendary Haçienda nightclub, where he struck up a friendship with resident DJ Mike Pickering. Over time, his reputation as a DJ grew and he developed a unique personal style, notching up worldwide bookings and producing a slew of essential 12″s including classics ‘Crispy Bacon’ and ‘The Man With the Red Face’.

Garnier also established the influential F Communications imprint, which not only served as a home for his own productions but broke the careers of Mr. Oizo and St. Germain, among others.

Take a listen to ‘Crispy Bacon’ below and party like it’s 1997. [via Resident Advisor]



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