Songlink lets you share tracks from Spotify, Apple Music, Google Music and YouTube in a single link.

A service called Songlink aims to make music discovery more convenient, allowing you to send your friends a single song link that works across different streaming services.

Songlink, which has just launched its second version, creates URLs that allow both Spotify and Apple Music subscribers to listen to the track on the link with their streaming service of choice.

The service also supports Google Play, and even YouTube if you’re not a subscriber to any paid streaming platform. Simply visit the the Songlink website, search for the song you want to share, and it generates a link.

After spending just a few minutes with Songlink, it’s clear that the platform is useful, but needs some work. It works fine with Spotify, but clicking an Apple Music link will automatically switch you to the US iTunes Store, which means it doesn’t work properly in any other country. It also struggles to find certain songs on YouTube. For example, a search for Kanye West’s ‘Real Friends’ offered a YouTube link for an unofficial remix of the track.

In addition to these bugs, Songlink doesn’t support SoundCloud or Bandcamp, which severely limits its range. However, if it irons out the creases, it could be a genuinely useful tool. If you want to try it out, find it at the Songlink website.

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