The two have a collaboration on the way.

Flying Lotus has spoken with Anderson .Paak for Interview Magazine. Though the pair don’t address their upcoming collaboration, it’s an equally casual and insightful conversation between the two LA musicians.

.Paak discusses getting his own studio recently and being intimidated after years of working wherever he could find space. Going off that, FlyLo describes .Paak as an artist who was “waiting in the wings” and praises his recent success, his contributions to A Tribe Called Quest’s final album in particular.

“I feel like there was no album that I cared about this year — well, maybe a couple — but there was, like, no album that I cared about that you weren’t on,” he says.

Later, .Paak talks about his work with Knxwledge and his band The Free Nationals, and Flying Lotus shares the coincidence that he’d written a screenplay titled The Free Nationals (“It changed into Woke. But then ‘woke’ turned into a meme, so now I don’t even know what to call it”).

Flying Lotus also asks about a “live sounding” album .Paak gave him when they first met and what will come of it. Though the rapper said some of it was incorporated into his album Malibu, much remains unreleased.

“You know, those moments of the time when things were simpler and you were hungry and life was different, when you were depressed and were walking everywhere — — a lot of stuff was created at those times,” he says. “I really hope I can go in there and get to those songs.”

Read the full interview on here and listen to .Paak’s ‘Come Down’ below.



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