Whoever called Twitter an echo chamber of meaningless consensus clearly hasn’t been on Paul Rose’s feed lately.

As we know already, the Hotflush boss known to the world as Scuba enjoys stirring up a bit of controversy every now and then. Lately, we feel, he’s taken to wearing his villain status like a worn but well-loved dressing gown, every irate tweet and lost follower grist to his emotional and spiritual mill.

Today, being called a toff provoked a long discussion about that favoured subject of us Brits, class, on the DJ’s feed. Things were progressing in a harmless fashion until Rose, in an aside, suggested that techno institution Dave Clarke might be a tory. Clarke, in turn, cracked out a marvellously antiquated bit of slang in calling Scuba a “dipstick”.

Dave Clarke’s grumpiness is, of course, well known – we ourselves have been on the receiving end in the past. Let’s just hope Scuba doesn’t lose any sleep over the incident. The lesson here? Twitter-savvy DJs shouldn’t search for their own names. It’s only the bad stuff that sticks with you.

Update: don’t worry, it’s all fine – Scuba apologised.



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