Everybody’s A Fuckin Expert is due in September.
Texan noise-rock maven and dancefloor deconstructionist Craig Clouse has announced an album on the revered Editions Mego label.
As Juno Plus reports, the album will be called Everybody’s A Fuckin Expert, a title just as provocative as 2013’s EP Find Out What Happens When People Start Being Polite For A Fucking Change.
“Everybody’s A Fuckin Expert lays forth another slab of inverted tranquility where general disruption is kept in check by the subversive charm unique to the outfit,” The label explains. “Gunfire rhythms lay waste to androgynous sonics on the opener ‘Signal Failure’, deep sea disorientation allows pools of plasticine audio to rise on ‘Rastplatz’ whilst ‘Picnic Table’ rinses electro out of the thick gelatinous cybernetics.”
Due on September 4, the album is his second this year – he released 54-Synth-Brass 38 Metal Guitar 65 Cathedral back in March.
You can listen to a track from the album below, and revisit Shit And Shine’s eclectic FACT mix from earlier this year.
01. Signal Failure
02. Upside Down Cheeseburger
03. Bus Station
04. Wespennest
05. Hay Ride
06. Chop The Night
07. Working On My Fitness
08. Picnic Table
09. Ass
10. Rastplatz
11. Stockwell
12. Clapham North