Excellent Polish festival Unsound returns this year – and the theme is surprise.

Put simply, that means that there’s no full public line-up: some names will be announced in the lead-up to the festival, while others will remain a mystery until they take the stage. “How do our expectations affect the value we place on music as an art form?” asks the festival’s press release – arguing that the “unique atmosphere” of Unsound should prove just as important to the festival’s popularity as the line-up.

Of course, part of what makes this work is that Unsound has already gathered an audience’s trust by booking great line-ups, and in the build-up to Unsound 2015, FACT TV are running a series of films from last year’s festival. First off, we go behind the scenes of Atom™ and Robin Fox’s Double Vision, an audiovisual experience that plays with ideas of pop music, sensation and more – or, in Fox’s words, a show that “mediate[s] between pop and an almost scientific demonstration of AV phenomena.” Stay tuned for more Unsound videos this week.

Double Vision will be performed in London on September 24 at Village Underground. The event is a co-promotion between Unsound, Club to Club and The Barbican.

Film by Kachna Baraniewicz



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