Also featuring Kevin Drumm and Samuel Kerridge.

Though Aaron Turner’s current main focus is the chilly drone project Mamiffer, his newer band SUMAC brings some of the fire of his work fronting post-metal greats Isis. As their newly announced remix EP, Before You I Appear, that hasn’t stopped the band from exploring new ways to break down metal.

SUMAC have invited a wide range of artists to reconstruct tracks from this year’s Thrill Jockey debut, What One Becomes. The release includes noise icon Kevin Drumm, techno artist Samuel Kerridge, Japanese producer ENDON and finally Bleed Turquoise, a moniker for Emptyset’s James Ginzburg.

That last one is available to stream now and shows why Emptyset’s recent signing to Thrill Jockey and upcoming album are so exciting. As Bleed Turquoise, Ginzburg highlights SUMAC’s sludge metal behemoth ‘Clutch Of Oblivion’ with shrieking neon-synths, but retains the drums in order to keep the heaviness of the original.

Listen to it below and grab Before You I Appear December 9 via Thrill Jockey (look out for Emptyset’s new album in 2017).

Read Next: The 40 best post-metal records ever made



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