All funds will benefit a handful of non-profit advocacy groups.
Toro Y Moi has shared his contribution to Secretly Group’s Our First 100 Days compilation.
The track, titled ‘Omaha’, is warm and breezy psych-pop at its very best – laced with vintage synths, dunked in reverb and featuring a multivocal chorus that soars high above the trebly guitars.
Last month, Angel Olsen kicked off the 100-track charity compilation with her new song ‘Fly On Your Wall’.
Future contributors to the album include How To Dress Well and The Range, and there are also rare or unreleased tracks from the likes of Jason Molina and Joan of Arc. The compilation will benefit organizations including pro-immigrant charity Cosecha, the People’s Climate Movement, and All Above All, which campaigns to restore and sustain abortion coverage for women on low incomes.
“With Trump’s first 100 days in office upon us, action must be taken to protect the causes that will come under threat from this administration,” wrote the label. “Our First 100 Days seeks to aid in that protection.”
Pick up the Our First 100 Days compilation from Bandcamp for a minimum donation of $30.