‘Selah’ shares an unmistakable chord progression with ‘Gerudo Valley’ from the Ocarina Of Time OST.
Following a number of delays, yet another memorable Zane Lowe interview and the return of Clipse, an unlikely facet of the story surrounding Kanye West’s new album, Jesus Is King, has been uncovered.
Nintendo Life has pointed out that the track ‘Selah’ shares an unmistakable chord progression with ‘Gerudo Valley’, a highlight from the soundtrack to Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time.
Can’t hear the similarities? Check out a section of ‘Selah’ mixed into ‘Gerudo Valley’ below.
noticed something while listening to the new kanye album… pic.twitter.com/q1nRklkhf4
— Louie Zong (@everydaylouie) October 25, 2019
A noted fan of video games, we can only assume that Kanye loves Zelda just as much as we do.