In the latest of a slew of surprise releases in 2013, the first full-length transmission from much-mythologized producer Jai Paul appeared online over the weekend.
The album-cum-mixtape, titled Jai Paul, appeared on a Bandcamp page credited to Paul. Even taking Paul’s mysterious ways into account, there did seem something slightly dodgy about the lack of fanfare, supplementary press material, or, for that matter, track titles. It now transpires that Jai Paul isn’t what it first seemed.
Dazed Digital journalist Owen Myers has Tweeted that Paul has emailed him, claiming that the album is an “illegal leak”. The message reads: “Jai Paul just emailed me: “I will be releasing a statement later today about the illegal leak. I have not released a new record.””
As we noted last week, Paul’s label XL claimed to know nothing about the record in the days before its release. Considering that the album is being hawked for £7.00 from the site, it also looks like whoever is behind the page has been illegally profiting from the leak. More as and when we have it.
Update: Paul has now Tweeted the following: “To confirm: demos on bandcamp were not uploaded by me, this is not my debut album. Please don’t buy. Statement to follow later. Thanks, Jai”. Myers has also revealed that Paul’s laptop was stolen; Paul’s full statement will arrive at 3pm.