The young Venezuelan captivated the audience with his first performance of his mind-bending new live show, and had Bjork cheering on from the sidelines.
Arca, the emerging producer whose boundary-pushing creations got him hired by Kanye West and Bjork, debuted his highly anticipated live show at London’s Institute of Contemporary Arts last night. Backed with enthralling visuals from frequent collaborator Jesse Kanda, Arca’s live show was like an hour-long Rorschach test that confronted your preconceived notions of identity, gender, and sexuality.
Wearing sequinned, thigh-high go-go boots, a pleated schoolgirl skirt and a bondage crop top, he performed an hour of original material, singing and dancing against a backdrop of sexual and grotesque imagery. Bjork, who has enlisted Arca to co-produce her next album, bounced up and down with excitement at the conclusion of the show.
Check out Arianna Power’s photos over the next 20 pages or head to FACT’s Instagram for exclusive video footage of the event.
Arca’s debut album Xen is out now on Mute – hear the lead track, ‘Thievery’ and read Maya Kalev’s review of the album.
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