They performed ‘Cool Your Heart’ from the self-titled new Dirty Projectors album.

Dirty Projectors performed new track ‘Cool Your Heart’ on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon with help from D∆WN, Tyondai Braxon and the Roots last night (May 10).

‘Cool Your Heart’ is featured on the newly solo Dave Longstreth’s recent Dirty Projectors album, released in February and also featuring Solange. Watch the performance below.

Former bandmate Amber Coffman discussed her split from Dirty Projectors and her break-up with Longstreth in an interview in March, admitting that she had only learned of his plans to release an album under the Dirty Projectors name the previous September.

“I consider it a loss to no longer be involved with Dirty Projectors, but ultimately walking away was the only healthy choice for me,” she explained.

Watch next: D∆WN – AAA



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